You know yourself to be a passionate, intelligent and inspired woman with a beautiful vision for your life. And you have big dreams, too.
Maybe you want to:

- Create something magnificent that will help improve the lives of many people, and the world at large

- Ignite your authentic confidence and trust in your capacity to cultivate a deeply satisfying life & career

- Live your life on your own terms, at your own pace, and be in alignment with your own truth

- Cultivate a sense of harmony and ease in your career, relationships and life as a whole

- Uplift the consciousness and wellbeing of our world by contributing your unique gifts and talents

- Create a meaningful and deeply satisfying life filled with love, warmth and nourishing  connection

- Improve your health so that you have the energy to manifest your vision, and live your life to the fullest

- Unlock your intuitive abilities and allow your inner knowing to guide you toward your next steps on your journey

- Have empowered and harmonious, personal and professional relationships with men

- Improve and create harmony in your personal and professional relationship dynamics

- Succeed in a business venture that has a big place in your heart

- Release self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviour patterns, and make room for living the life you are meant to live

But you have a sense that something really big is in the way, limiting your ability to realize your destiny, and you know it’s costing you your health and true happiness.
Does any of this sound familiar?

- You sense that you might be using food as a way to either soothe your anxious feelings or bypass how you actually feel about your life

- Your self-confidence wavers and self-doubt is getting the best of you

- Your next step or designing a plan seems to elude you and the big dream feels way too far away

- You struggle with anxiety, depression and/or other mysterious health issues

- You might be experiencing relationship challenges and you are really tired of feeling alone

- You feel like a past relationship is still haunting you and taking over your ability to make decisions that would propel your future forward

- You probably think you don’t know enough, you haven’t quite figured out how to really be yourself, and you feel too alone and unsupported to live in your true power.

- That leads you to believe you are ineffective at living your best life, leaving you with a sense of brokenness and dissatisfaction.

- Sometimes it can even go so far as to make you feel like an isolated outsider with social anxiety and nowhere to turn.

I get it. I have been there and I know how empty, uncomfortable, disorienting and scary it is to feel like you have so much to live for and no way to get there.

But what I know to be true is that blaming ourselves, thinking we are flawed and disempowered, and just having to suck it up so no one knows how much we are really suffering, is not the way to go. 

The real dilemma is that we are taught to look outside ourselves for the answers and believe that our value and safety depends on how much we earn, how much others love us and how much success we have. But none of these lead to our long term happiness and satisfaction, so we end up back in the same unhealthy cycle.

If you are ready to really breakthrough, once and for all, then I’ve got a solution you will love!
In the Alive With Possibility coaching program you will:

- Connect with the greatest possibilities of your life

- Transform your outdated and self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviour patterns, which will lead you to manifest your radiant destiny

- Discover solutions to seemingly unsolvable challenges that you might be facing right now

- Unlock your superpowers and learn to manifest on a bigger level

- Cultivate healthy relationship skills which will allow you to expand and be deeply supported in your life and work

- Activate the power to live your radiant destiny

If you are ready to take the journey towards becoming alive with possibility and manifesting your radiant destiny, then consider this your personal invitation!

Below is a summary of the modules that are included:

Session 1: Reconnect With Your Zest for Life

During session 1 you will begin to cultivate the skills you need to create a joyful life. You will clarify your needs  and learn how to quickly heal old wounds, while becoming more peaceful, confident and satisfied with your life.

In this session you will:

- Cultivate the ability to feel consistently safe and secure within yourself and in your life

- Transform the #1 barrier that has been preventing you from living your best life

- Activate your capacity to effortlessly shift into a state of deep harmony and well-being, any time you choose

- Unlock your ability to source limitless power and energy to create the things you care about most

- Learn to identify and align with relationships and life situations that are most supportive to you on your unique journey through life

- Reconnect with your sense of freedom and become fully and radically alive

Session 2: Unlocking the Power of Ease

During session 2 you will activate your capacity to live your life in full alignment with your deepest values, needs and desires. This in turn will help you to live a healthier, happier and more deeply satisfying life. 

In this session you will:

- Get clear on your specific values and needs in your life and relationships

- Align yourself and your life with your unique values and needs to amplify your ability to thrive

- Awaken the power to shape your life experiences according to what supports you and serves the highest good

- Amplify your ability to live a rich, deeply engaged and deliciously satisfying life

- Release unhealthy relationships and/or life circumstances and plant yourself in a garden where you can truly grow

- Recognize your full potential as a human being and become the woman you were born to be

Session 3: Returning to Wholeness

During session 3 you will learn the art and science of Emotional Alchemy and gain the #1 skill for becoming the empowered and emotionally resilient woman you were meant to be.

In this session you will:

- Cultivate a safe, loving, protective, supportive and empowered relationship with yourself

- Connect with the truth of who you are and what is truly possible for you

- Permanently release the false beliefs that you might have about yourself and step into your true power and potential

- Learn to express your emotions in a healthy, empowered and love-generating way

- Develop healthy relationships with food, work, exercise and every other aspect of your life

- Unlock your capacity to trust yourself in making the right decisions for you and for your life

Session 4: Unlock Your Innate Capacity to Heal

During session 4 you will forge an unshakable bond with your intuition and use it as a tool to discover your own unique healing path.

In this session you will:

- Learn to hear, understand and deeply trust your intuitive guidance

- Get clear on what you specifically need in order to heal on the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels

- Discover the #1 skill for tapping into the invisible resources of our Universe and receiving clear guidance towards a speedy recovery

- Cultivate an unshakable trust in your ability to heal and feel confident on your healing journey

- Connect with the right people and resources to powerfully support you on your healing journey

- Reclaim your energy and open up to the experience of freedom and limitlessness 

Session 5: Activating Your Superpowers

During session 5 you will learn the skills for rebalancing and harmonizing your body while effortlessly and consistently accessing an infinite source of energy for restoration, purification and healing. You will also discover and learn to use your unique superpowers!

In this session you will:

- Cultivate the skills and capacities to regulate your physiological responses from the inside out (such as calming down anxiety, lowering your blood pressure, putting your brain into a sleep state, etc.)

- Access an infinite source of energy for restoration, purifying and healing


- Unlock your superpowers by harnessing the wisdom from past breakdowns and turning these into invaluable capacities to support you in living your radiant destiny

- Cultivate the capacity to access information and support on different levels of awareness

- Move past feelings of overwhelm and powerfully co-create incredible things in partnership with the Greater Field of Life/The Universe

- Activate your telepathic capacities and learn to communicate with others across time and space

Session 6: Co-create Your Radiant Destiny

During session 6 you will learn to skillfully transcend obstacles and limitations, while powerfully co-creating your destiny with the Greater Field of Life.

In this session you will:

- Breakthrough past limitations by understanding how life is happening through you, rather than to you

- Change the trajectory of your life by transforming outdated belief and behaviour patterns

- Cultivate a powerful relationship with the Essence of your unique life path, also called Entelechy, which will help guide you towards making the right decisions for your life

- Discover the capacity to feel safe in the world and trust the process of Life

- Unlock the power of  working in a feminine way, to amplify your ability to accomplish more while dramatically decreasing your time & energy investment

- Foster the ability to navigate challenging situations with ease and grace

Session 7: Embodying Your Sovereign Domain

In session 7 you will develop the ability to bring out the best in yourself and others by establishing healthy, empowered agreements in all your relationships.

In this session you will:

- Clarify the current agreements you have with the people in your life

- Understand what agreements might need to be renegotiated or replaced completely

- Learn to engage in generative communication and establish empowering agreements with ease and grace

- Unlock your capacity to articulate your needs in ways that encourage having them met

- Cultivate the ability to feel safe, confident and comfortable with the people in your life

- Reclaim your power to say no and gracefully release relationships that no longer serve you

Session 8: The Keys to Empowered Partnership

During session 8 you will release outdated relationship patterns and replace them with cutting edge skills that cultivate healthy, happy and supportive relationships. In other words, you will transform your relationship destiny.

In this session you will:

- Get clear on the kinds of relationships you desire most 

- Identify and heal the belief systems and behaviour patterns that might be sabotaging your capacity for empowered partnership

- Transform your experience of loneliness into the ability to cultivate deep, loving, supportive and connected relationships with wonderful people

- Generate a consistent experience of being heard, seen, loved and cared about  by the people in your life

- Unlock your ability to effortlessly generate support and cooperative collaboration with others

- Cultivate your ability to feel safe and secure in any circumstance, consistently

Session 9: Soar Into Your New Life

In Session 9 we will celebrate your breakthroughs and all that you have accomplished. You will be released into your new life fully equipped, inspired, empowered, and energized!

In this session you will:

- Celebrate your breakthroughs and accomplishments

- Harvest your breakdowns and breakthroughs as tools for self-actualization

- Integrate your journey into your new life

- Vision into the future to discover and activate the next step of your journey

- Feel confident in your ability to navigate life effectively and successfully

- Amplify your ability to make a profound impact in your life and the lives of others


Bonus # 1

Intention Setting

- A workshop to help you get clear on and set a powerful intention prior to the start of the program

Bonus # 2

MasterClass Series

- Intentional Wellbeing

- From the outside in - how a healthy body cultivates a healthy mind

- Generative  and non-violent communication skills

- Make Peace With Prosperity - financial intelligence

- The art and science of working in a Feminine Way

- Holistic approach to healing eating disorders

- "Calling In The One" - attracting healthy love

- Conscious Uncoupling - breaking up in a healthy way

- Making sense of men (and bringing out the best in them)

Bonus # 3 

Intuitive Painting

- A creative process that will help you hone in your intuitive abilities and receive information from mythical and quantum realms

Bonus # 4

A year of accountability

- 1-year membership to our private Facebook Group

- Use this forum to network and collaborate with other members of the program, or to ask me follow-up questions.

- Once the teaching portions of the program are complete, I will send out videos every Friday with answers to the questions I receive



- 9 learning modules

- 8 coaching calls

- Reflection questions handouts

- A collection of masterclasses to further amplify your skills 

- An intention setting workshop

- A community forum on Facebook (secret and fully moderated) where you can connect with others, share your breakthroughs and ask questions


 - How to hear, understand and deeply trust your intuition.

 - How to manifest the kind of a life that you truly desire.

 - How to effectively overcome and transform self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviour patterns.

 - How to cultivate and sustain healthy lifestyle habits that will support you in truly thriving and flourishing in every area of your life.

 - How to cultivate and sustain incredible and life-changing relationships with the people in your life.

 - How to work in your Zone of Genius effortlessly and on a consistent basis.

 - How to evoke and effectively utilize your authentic feminine power.

 - How to generate the kind of support that you need in order to powerfully co-create your destiny.

 - So much more!


- Crystal clarity about what is calling you forth and how to manifest it.

- Feeling truly inspired by what is possible for you in your life.

- Skills for creating an environment in which you can truly thrive, anywhere you go.

- Skills for cultivating lasting, nourishing and truly incredible relationships with the people in your life.

- The ability to clearly hear your inner guidance and trust it without hesitation, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.

- An unshakable confidence in your ability to manifest incredible things in your life on a consistent basis, without fail.

- The ability to tap into the universal wisdom of our planet and find solutions to problems that might seem unsolvable at first.

- The ability to generate the kind of support that you need, any time you need it.

- So much more!


 - We will begin by coming together as a community, to set a powerful intention for the course. 

 - We will meet once a week for a teaching session and some weeks will also include coaching and Q&A session.

 - At the end of each session we will agree on action steps that you will be taking before we meet next, and we will lovingly hold each other accountable throughout our journey together.

 - You will receive various reflection questions and practices to complete in between sessions to help you gain more clarity and take the material we discuss to a deeper level.

 - You will have an opportunity to share what is opening up for you, as well as asking questions and receiving support in our online group forum. 

 - You will be actively applying and testing out what you learn in our sessions in your daily life, in between our conversations.

 - You will also have an opportunity to practice the skills you will be learning with your fellow group program participants.

 - The sessions will be done  over the phone and recordings will be available approximately 24 hours after each session.


- Crystal clarity about what is calling you forth and how to manifest it.

- Feeling truly inspired by what is possible for you in your life.

- Skills for creating an environment in which you can truly thrive, anywhere you go.

- Skills for cultivating lasting, nourishing and truly incredible relationships with the people in your life.

- The ability to clearly hear your inner guidance and trust it without hesitation, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.

- An unshakable confidence in your ability to manifest incredible things in your life on a consistent basis, without fail.

- The ability to tap into the universal wisdom of our planet and find solutions to problems that might seem unsolvable at first.

- The ability to generate the kind of support that you need, any time you need it.

- So much more!


"I had a discovery call with Julia and it was amazing! I have taken many different self discovery courses and retreats in my past, and Julia had an incredible knowledge base as well as innate intuition that was able to help me discover things about myself that I was never able to find nor realize before.

She helped me make the essential (far deeper than you would think) connection between my past to things that were manifesting with me in the present. She was able to unearth patterns I had formed subconsciously, and also able to reconnect me with my true, authentic self, rather than the programming that had overlaid itself upon my personality throughout my life experience. She explores everything from early childhood, right through to adulthood.

Julia is able to help you recognize your attachment style, and has all of the tools to help you run your life as your authentic inner self has always wanted to.

I have never felt so supported, and so genuinely cared for. With her coaching, my life is now completely different than it was only a year ago, and in the best ways!

I would highly recommend Julia’s coaching to anyone, regardless of what the issue might appear to be."

- Kelly Duffin

"Julia has an incredible capacity to help you clarify and touch some of those deep areas around false identity within yourself and come out on the other side with a clear knowing of exactly what your deeper truth is. And this truth is often really heart warming and is quite shifting."

- Pamela Hettinger

"I highly recommend Julia as a coach. Her unique and authentic approach to coaching helped me to overcome some very difficult experiences in my professional life. Moreover, on a personal level, Julia's keen sense of intuition and ability to see me in all my unique layers allowed for tremendous growth and opened new possibilities in both my personal and professional life."

-Kaylin Winick

"Julia helped me identify that I was losing energy to both my new position as consultant and my marriage. Her guidance helped me figure out what is right for me and then to have the courage to act on that knowing. I have started to create boundaries at work and within my relationship. Despite my fears, nothing bad has happened from setting those boundaries! Instead, I am feeling more energy – an energy Julia says comes from alignment. I feel more confident to put my resources into my own yearnings and desires."

- Joyce Yaskowich

"As a life coach myself, I know what it takes to change people's lives. Julia definitely has the qualities it takes to really impact your life and change it for the better. Not only does she have a bottomless capacity to listen very deeply, but she also possesses an uncanny ability to name what's hidden, so that it can be transformed. Julia also has amazing knowledge in the health field and can laser focus on a health problem to offer solutions and relief."

- Corina Sahlin, Transformational Life Coach

More testimonials below!



- I will teach cutting edge information about health, well-being, healthy relationships and the path of self-actualization. This information will help you shave years off of your learning curve and can help you save a lot of money in the process

- I care deeply about your success, wellbeing and flourishing and will support you as much as I possibly can through our time together

- I will partner with you on your journey of self-discovery & transformation and will stand for your highest potentials & the manifestation of your deepest desires

- Together, we will create a safe space for us to bond, explore the deeper aspects of ourselves and transform our lives


- Since we are all unique and have our personal life journey, I cannot guarantee individual results. Your results will be proportional to the level of your commitment to fully engaging with the process that will be shared in this program. Please apply only if you feel committed to being all in as a participant. I would like to safely guide you towards manifesting your dreams and passions and I need you to meet me half way.

Let me ask you something...

- How much energy would you free up to invest in other areas of your life, if your attention wasn't constantly preoccupied with your relationships?

- What would your life look like, if self-doubt, sabotaging behaviour, and anxiety were no longer a part of your story?

- What opportunities would you say yes to, if you had more confidence and trust in yourself and the goodness of life?

- How would it impact your career and financial future if you were healthy, full of energy, and confident in your intrinsic value and what you bring to the world?


I know that you being here is not an accident. The intelligence of Life has been guiding you all along and now is the time for you to have a powerful breakthrough and set out creating the kind of life that you most deeply desire.

Just like a rose seed is destined to become a rose, and an acorn is destined to become an oak, so are we destined to self-actualize and become the most evolved and inspiring version of ourselves.

You have a destiny to fulfill that is uniquely yours.

You have what it takes to create a life of deep fulfillment and satisfaction.

This experience of being unsettled and unsatisfied in your life is a signal - an evolutionary impulse if you will - that is coming from the deepest aspects of your being, letting you know that there is something greater that you are meant to accomplish in your life.

And the truth is that getting into alignment with your true destiny, having a healthy lifestyle and having incredible relationships is much simpler than you might think.

What you need is an experienced guide to help you:

- Gain clarity about what kind of a life you truly want and connect with the greatest possibilities of your life.

- Establish the kinds of structures and habits in your life that will allow you to truly flourish and thrive.

- Transform and release self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours.

- Find your true passion and Zone of Genius.

- Gain authentic confidence in your ability to live in alignment with your unique destiny path.

If you are ready to take the journey towards becoming alive with possibility and manifesting your radiant destiny, then consider this your personal invitation!


"Dear Julia,Thank you for your compassion and your patience in guiding me through a rough spot in the road. Although I knew what to do, I didn’t know how to do it. You gave me the tools to move through the roadblocks and come out clearer and stronger on the other side. I was able to see first hand that every experience is a gift and I can now truly trust the process. I look forward to practicing what I’ve learned as I continue to grow and to help others. I won’t hesitate to refer clients, family and friends to you. Your insight and passion for your work are a blessing to us all."

- Kandy Bernal(HLC1, CP1)

"Julia Schneider is a brilliant and amazing feminine power transformational coach.She cares deeply about supporting others by giving her gifts and talents to transform their lives.Julia is dedicated to quality and results for all those that work with her. Whether it be health, attracting love and having healthy relationships, she is skilled and passionate to create a change in others lives."

- Kathi Scott

"Working with Julia can in short be described as extremely therapeutic. I have listened and participated in a number of her call series as well as received many coaching sessions. All of these opportunities had always brought me clarity, inspiration, and a gateway to self-improvement. Establishing my career at a young age has made it difficult to appreciate the necessity for self-care; Julia has not only given me tools to achieve optimal self-care, but she has also inspired the motivation to obtain it. I am grateful for all that she has taught me and look forward to the future wisdom I know she will openly provide."

- Jacqueline Kesler

"If you are considering working with or taking one of Julia’s programs, then I can honestly say you will be more than delighted. Julia cares deeply about her clients and their healthy progress. She has found ways to elevate, motivate and inspire women who have suffered far too long to create the life, love, happiness and well-being they have always dreamed about. Julia is one of the best kept secrets in the coaching world and having witnessed her authentic modeling of how to live life well while transforming her personal health struggles into medicine, she offers the perfect solutions for today’s modern woman’s struggles."

- Julie Steelman

"Recently, I had the pleasure of experiencing Julia’s coaching first-hand. Having spent a fair amount of time getting to know her personally, over the past year, I figured her warm energy and incredible empathy would translate into phenomenal coaching skills. I was right. Right from the beginning of our coaching session, she put me at ease and created a safe and comfortable space for sharing whatever I needed to. Her empathy and compassion made it easier to address topics that I had been pushing away and failing to deal with myself due to my own lack of self-compassion in those areas. She guided me to insights about the experiences I’d been having and feelings that had been coming up around them that helped me see everything in a new, healing light. During our session, I laughed and cried, and ultimately walked away feeling like something big and important had happened during our time together in the name of self-growth and discovery. I also added helpful new wellness tools to my belt, feeling better prepared to tackle future challenges head-on. I would recommend Julia to anyone who’s ready to receive help dealing with things that are hiding under your rug but still manage to affect you more than you realize. She brings wisdom, gentle honesty, amazing listening and coaching skills, a sense of humour, and every other quality that defines a wonderful coach. Thank you for your time, guidance, and beautiful energy, Julia!"

- Crystal Kustra

Copyright 2021, HolisticSelfCareCoaching
